Kieran Barlow – Yarborough Ward – Independent Candidate Profile
I was born and bred in North East Lincolnshire and I understand what it is like to deal with the issues of poverty, homelessness and cuts to essential services. This is because I have first-hand experience of the above. Unlike the career politicians I understand why people have to choose between heating and eating, and understand the struggles and financial difficulties that many families face.
Austerity has impacted the majority of people living across North East Lincolnshire, and Socialist Alternative have a plan of action. When we’re seeing: cuts to services and a year on year council tax increase of 3%, 1,472 people in North East Lincolnshire sanctioned whilst on Universal Credit with no one fighting their corner, the NHS being underfunded by £182 Million by 2020 and over £70 Billion given away to the super rich in tax giveaways by 2020 – the question has to be asked. What is the point of Labour councillors who just push through Tory cuts?
My three pledges to the Yarborough Ward are:
I will only claim legitimate expenses
I will fight for our services
I will fight the cuts
I’m standing as a Socialist Alternative candidate to fight the cuts which have impacted the lives of so many living in the Yarborough Ward and North East Lincolnshire.
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