
Road safety improvements to Grimsby road

Road safety improvements to Grimsby road

Works will soon begin to install a pedestrian refuge island on Little Coates Road, Grimsby.

The crossing point – close to the entrance of Grimsby Golf Club – will help pedestrians crossing the road and provide better access to the nearby bus stop.

As part of the works, which start on Tuesday 23 April, bollards will be installed on the refuge, road markings will be realigned and tactile paving will be installed to aid the visually impaired and wheelchair and mobility scooter users.

To allow the works to be completed safely, temporary traffic lights will be in place between 9.30am and 3.30pm. Works are expected to take one week to complete.

North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, ENGIE, apologises for any inconvenience caused by these works.

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