
Mid-way point reached on first phase of Cleethorpes regeneration works

Mid-way point reached on first phase of Cleethorpes regeneration works

The first section of the initial phase of works has now been completed on the regeneration project in Cleethorpes which started earlier this year.

The section of footway between St Peter’s Avenue and Cross Street has been completed and is now once again open to the public.

Work on the remaining sections of footway are progressing well and the section between Cross Street and Osborne Street is expected to be completed within the next two weeks.

The team will now be starting works from Tuesday 2 April on the opposite section of footway, ahead of the planned programme.

This means the temporary one-way system will need to be altered on High Street. Traffic will be diverted on to the opposite carriageway between St Peter’s Avenue and Cross Street and then directed back onto the left hand side of the carriageway. Access will be maintained to St Peter’s Avenue and all side-streets.

Traffic travelling from the southern part of Cleethorpes out towards Isaacs’ Hill will continue to be diverted along Market Street and St Peter’s Avenue. A full diversion route will be signposted.

The regeneration project was developed by CoastNEL, a local group with representation from a wide range of local businesses and the community, supported by the Council and ENGIE.

This phase of works will be completed in July 2019.

Funding for the overall project has been secured from the Coastal Communities Fund, Heritage Lottery, Local Transport Plan and North East Lincolnshire Council.

North East Lincolnshire Council and its partner ENGIE would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these improvement works.

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    1 Comment

    • denis , April 2, 2019 @ 9:41 am

      Would have been done a lot sooner if they worked with two hands, in stead of one hand, while the other one was holding there mobile phones

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