
Do you keep your child’s milk teeth?


Keeping your child’s milk teeth could save their lives in the future. A lot of people keep their child’s first milk tooth that they lose.

Keeping more than one tooth may seem a bit morbid. But it could one day save your child’s life, it is to do with the stem cells found in bone marrow.

Baby teeth are full of bone marrow which is good news because the precious stem cells could be used to treat cancer and diabetes, produce new eye tissue and grow bones.

Extracting stem cells through bone marrow can be a painful procedure for patients. Bone marrow can be accessed far easily from baby teeth.

Stem cells can be used from baby teeth even if the tooth is 10years old. They can also be used for fixing dental injuries such as dead teeth.

Baby teeth are not that exposed to environmental wear and tear, so that means that the cells will still be in good condition.

So don’t let the tooth fairy take away those baby teeth.

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