International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year.
It is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights and a time to reflect on progress made and celebrate acts of determination by women.
There’s now a record number of women sitting on the boards of FTSE 100 companies and who would question how far women have come since first granted the vote in Britain in 1918?
But if things are so great for women do we need an International Women’s Day still in 2019?
Well, maybe things aren’t that great…
According to the Office of National Statistics of the 5,911 companies that reported pay data last year, 78% of companies paid men more.
Women make up just 32% of MP’s in UK parliament
Over 137,000 children in the UK have missed school due to period poverty – they can’t even afford basic sanitary products.
Just a few of the reasons this day is needed. Find out more here.
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