
Man and wife suffer carbon monoxide poisoning from neighbouring property.

A couple have been taken to hospital after high levels of gas in their home.

The couple, living on Wellington street, have both been taken to hospital after it is thought a generator used at the neighbouring property was left on.

The generator, used by builders in the house, was left on causing the gases to build up in their home.

Humberside Police attended the scene after receiving an alert that a carbon monoxide alarm had been activated. When they arrived a dangerous amount of gas was detected in the couple’s home.

He felt light-headed.

The man who lives at the house with his wife got the worst of the poisoning after he dozed off on the sofa saying he felt light-headed.

The property next door has been subject to multiple damage in recent years, from being set alight to being a haven for drug abusers.

Officials have stated that they will return to the house this morning to check its state.

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